Photointerrupters 3mm gap with mounting tabs Selector Guide

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  • Capable of withstanding re-flow soldering temperatures
  • Operating temperature up to 100C

Related Information

Application Note : Design of Fundamental Phototransistor Circuits

  • 3mm Gap with mounting tab

3mm Gap with mounting tab1

Product Type IC(ON)
(mA) min
Test Conditions Output Aperture Width (mm)
H21A1 1.0 If = 20mA, VCE = 5V Phototransistor 0.94
H21A2 2.0 If = 20mA, VCE = 5V Phototransistor 0.94
H21A3 4.0 If = 20mA, VCE = 5V Phototransistor 0.94
H21B1 7.5 If = 10mA, VCE = 1.5V Photodarlington 0.94
H21B2 14.0 If = 10mA, VCE = 1.5V Photodarlington 0.94
H21B3 25.0 If = 10mA, VCE = 1.5V Photodarlington >0.94

3mm Gap with mounting tab2

Product Type IF+
(mA) max
Test Conditions Output Aperture Width (mm)
H21LTB 15.0 VCC = 5V Buffer Totem Pole 0.94
H21LTI 15.0 VCC = 5V Inverter Totem Pole 0.94
H21LOB 15.0 VCC = 5V Buffer Open Collector 0.94
H21LOI 15.0 VCC = 5V Inverter Open Collector 0.94